Speaking physically, as I am prone to, Jennifer Connelly hit
the genetic jackpot: face, eyes, nose, legs, hips, height –name them she got ‘em
good. It is all the more dumbfounding therefore to find a specimen of her
caliber manage to look so wrong.
Connelly is doing the pressers and premieres for Noah, Darren Aronofsky’s ecologically millennial take
on the Biblical story. Given my abhorrence of millennial narratives as such (ecological
even more so) and the fact that I think Aronofsky is a self-important creep
with pathetically clichéd theories about art and life, I have no desire to see
his latest creation. Dark Swan, that comedy of a tragedy, was more than
enough. But I enjoy seeing major actors get dressed up and being forced to
smile for publicity. It evens out the playfield of life, if only a bit. But oh,
perhaps the directors obsession with S&M has rubbed off on one of his stars
– otherwise I have no good explanation for this:
A McQueen gown so over-thought that it should have been tarred and feathered
Or this Chanel:
A shower curatain designed by M.C. Escher?
Or this Vuitton:
The top is like a bad after burp, a profoundly wrong take on
Katherine Hepburn’s dress from Philadelphia Story:
Or this Givenchy:
That looks like something the girl child put together when she was attempting to bedazzle her doll, once when she was much younger than today..
Even the looks where Connelly did not look like a hot mess
were hardly well put together. Take this for example:
A standard dress, but kinda too heavy for the season, wrong
shoe, boring accessories.
Or this:
An interesting dress, the color works on her – but oh, what
is that shoe doing there??? And the hair…
Or, finally this:
The top and skirt are
actually kind of fantastic on her, although again wrong for the spring season. BUT THE BOOTIES??? For the love of god,
people why are there red booties here? Why? Even on a prefect specimen like
Connelly booties with a skirt is a tricky look at best, wrong wrong wrong at
worst. And this – say it with me in Aretha Franklin’s voice – is W.R.O.N.G.
A question ladies- who is to blame for such travesties? The
star herself who wrongly thinks she is capable of a stylist’s work or her
Quick research on the internet lists Lesie Fremar, arguably
Hollywood’s most powerful stylist as the one working with Connelly.