Friday, June 27, 2014

A puzzle for your weekend; or, how is Hilary like Kim Kardashian?

Ladies, this is not a political comment. I actually have nothing against Hilary Clinton. Truly. It is just that she has been making the press rounds saying all kinds of really silly things about her personal income (just FYI her speaking fee is 200K per talk). Her daughter (whose spectacular multi million  apartment in NYC was featured in some design mag) made things worse by professing 'not to care about money'. Enter Newt Gingrich, himself a rather insane US political figure - who, it has to be mentioned, has quite the history with the Clintons - and utters the following gem:

Wait, what?! Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich compared former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to Kim Kardashian on CNN’s Crossfire on Tuesday, June 24.
“You have to understand the problem Bill has,” Gingrich started while discussing how former President Bill Clinton came out defending his wife, Clinton, who recently revealed they were “dead broke” when they left the White House. “Bill is to politics what Fred Astaire is to dancing, he is just automatically amazing and he wants to have Ginger Rogers out there dancing,” the former House Speaker went on.
“Instead [with Hillary Clinton] it’s a little bit like watching Kim Kardashian get kicked off the stage by Prince because she couldn’t dance,” he concluded in reference to when the reality star was booted off stage by the iconic singer in 2011 at a concert at Madison Square Garden in New York City. (In case you missed it, Mrs. West was invited on stage by Prince, until she started dancing and he yelled, “Get off the stage!”)
Gingrich didn’t stop there. When it came to politics and the former First Lady, the 71-year-old continued his dance metaphor.
“I think there’s a big problem, because I don’t think, as a candidate, that [she] dances very well,” Gingrich said.


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