Monday, March 31, 2014

Dresses of Unusual Ugliness:

I’ve been pondering ugly event dresses. 

Ugly – as in over the top blinged-out, cheap fabric (either shiny or see through, or both), hyperbolic dimensions. Ugly – as in maladjusted to the glamour or lack thereof of the event, the economic condition of the subjects, or any of the above. The kind of dresses that we associate with that untranslatable Hebrew concept of פרחיות (as in פרחה).

Happened to share this pressing issue with LP. And she – thank you lord! – had the best suggestion. Well, not suggestion so much as a bit of information to share. Turns out I am not the only one who watches really, really bad reality television. Her particular indulgence seems to be something called “My Big Far American Gypsy Wedding”. 

Who knew it (any part of it) even existed? But it does, and it is glorious.

Here take a look at some of the blushing, chaste, and modest brides:

These, ladies, came up in the first three rows of Google search. Imagine what would turn up if I did more research!

Apparently the designer to these stars is Boston-based. Boston Pride, people!

Yeees! These put all the dress stores in Tel-Aviv’s shuk ha-Carmel ­ (market) to shame, and definitely readjust my views on what constitutes over the top chav.

Its all about perspective, ladies. 


  1. And here I though Real Housewives of Atlanta was bottom of the pit...

  2. I do not watch it! It happened that I once arrived there by accident and then just got stuck for a while (mostly I would say out of anthropological interest! :) :)

