Monday, March 31, 2014

The Wealthy Housewife Look:

I will put it out there, ladies.
I hate almost everything ‘bout this look by she of the pointy chin, Reese Witherspoon:

Lets break it down:

The jacket: a take on a classic Chanel

The bag: a kinda, sorta, classic Chanel

Why would I hate them? Well, updating the classic Chanel jacket was done by the house itself under Karl Lagerfeld, done every year, in fact, and done well. We do not need Tory Burch for it. Same goes for the bag, although I personally have zero fondness for the classic Chanel bag. I find it tacky and boring.

Let us continue our break down:

The shoes: booooooring. I can’t say I expected Sarah Jessica Parker to design well just because her character in Sex and the City sometimes (repeat – sometimes) wore good clothes (by and large the clothes were actually abysmal). But I thought she’d hire someone who would. Instead her recently revealed shoe collection was a yawn. This show, with nothing to show for it that hasn’t been seen in exactly the same fashion before, is a perfect case in point.

The jeans: ah. Too tight, too faded. They are like a bad cross breeding of the craze for acid-washed, whiskered faded denim and the craze for much-too-skinny jeans. Just taaaacky. I think a post on jeans will be in order sometime soon.. 

The overall effect is one of a bored, wealthy LA housewife, with too blond too straight hair and accessories that are too expensive for a mere school run. Which is not that far from reality, I suppose. And seems to be the preferred client of Tory Burch’s brand, with its oversized gold insignia and utterly uninteresting, uninventive designs. 

Amendment: there is one item in this look i love and would steal - the sunglasses. I think, judging by the arrow on the side, they are by one of my favorites, Karen Walker. 

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