So, okay, every now and then even Miley Cyrus (wash hands and eyes ladies!) can wear something great. There was this:
The dress was a vintage Gaultier, which was amazing enuff, but there was also that awesome Chanel choker, proving that Kaiser Karl still got it:
As a kid who grew up - sartorially - in the late 80s and early 90s, I've never been able to get over big costume jewelry and especially collar necklaces. In an old cigar box (itself a relic from a time long gone) I still have among my other youthful treasures a brass ring collar with a cross. Oyi wey! NK, what would your ma in law say to that??
So here is a 'version' of the banging (given Miley's presence in this post, this work seemed appropriate) Chanel, and at $34 it is perfectly affordable! Me want.

And for your Nostalgic Friday enjoyment - George Michael at his heyday and the original supermodel squad:
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