Monday, April 21, 2014

The Ultimate: Denim Jacket

Insomuch as the denim jacket is a basic staple that lasts  many a fashion season, it could be tagged under 'Dress Your Life.' It is the perfect summery outerlayer. It pairs best with dresses and skirts - it has the fit and length that flatters supremely over a dress. When wearing with a dress you are also less likely to committ the cardinal sin of denim: you will almost never make the mistake of pairing, say, a blue denim bottom with a blue denim jacket.

Repeat after me, ladies: NO to the Canadian Tuxedo! (Not that there is anything wrong with Canada).

Basic rules of the denim jacket:
Say No:
-  say no to oversized and boxy
- say no to embellished, bedazzled, or be-laced
- say no to a different cut, moto, blazer, or trench in denim
- say no to denim vests

Say Yes:
- slim but not too curvy of a fit
- distressed, soft feel
- ends at natural waistline
- perfect blue: not too bright

I like, and own a black denim jacket. That said there is somethign utterly irresistable about the original item, that perfect piece of Americana - the blue denim jacket.

Here's a rundown of offers from various retailers:

1) Mother (nicely distressed quality, just the perfect amount):

**2) Velvet: (the most perfect dark wash,  lust!)

1) Jcrew: 

1) Gap:

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