Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Styling Creative Professionals II

Or: One More Orange Assignment.

This time I'm on the hunt for orange blouses, tops, Ts.

Add Marni to the list of designers I adore. Consuelo Casitglioni specializes in smart, unusual, and interesting. This is not clothing for the lovers of skin tight and conformist. Something is always just a bit off in her designs. One of the favorite items in my personal 'collection' is an orange skirt by Marni I once got in an amazing Ebay deal, and it bunches interestingly on the side.  Anyway. Here's a Marni item:


2. This I loved for the vibrancy of color, pure and simple:
3. Same goes for its twin, this:

4. As well as this

5. This offers some visual interest at the neckline, always important in interviews:
6. And this:

7. As does this, albeit via different means:

8. And this:

9. Not too shabby:

10. This has something lovely about it:

11. And finally this does have a nice neckline:


  1. The last two I LOVE!!!! The second from down up is so different. MOI want.


    1. My personal favorites are: 4,6, 8. And of course, 1!

  2. I am appalled!!! You posted peach!! salmon!! reddish-bronze!!!
    What happened to the orange-purist Anna???


    1. Stern ripple! Yes, I did veer off the perfect platonic orange there. I can't hide it. Perfect platonic orange does not show up on racks all that often, and I have a client who needs orange! Besides, in my defense, if paired with turquoise even a pale coral can read orange-ier. So there :-)
