Saturday, April 12, 2014

Hot at Every Age?

Anyone who has ever leafed through a glossy has come across these stories: 'Beauty over 40', 'dressing for 20, 30, 40, 50', etc.  Glossies, part of a print industry that has been dying a rather rapid death over the last decade need to grab in all demographics, so these taglines are understandable. They are rarely useful, however.  I wonder whether the best advice on aging gracefully is handed to us by adversity,  when we are faced with an incarnation of what ABSOLUTELY NOT to do when you are a certain age.

Like so:

Oh Cher.

You are an institution. But even living monuments should recognize that what looks grotesque on Miley will look ghoulish on a senior citizen.

Now try to stop looking above, ladies, at the Meduza nipple pasties.

Then again, Julia Louis-Dreyfous is in her 50s. And  I think this is HOT:

The only controversy here is that the person who put this cover together 'forgot' that John Hanckock signed the Declaration of Independence NOT the Constitution. The fact that JLD has been the only one of the Seifeld cast to succeed, again and again, helps. Certainly some fan boys who have grown up watching Elaine are happy to indulge in their childhood fantasies. But arguably JDL looks way hotter now than she did then, in the age of long dowdy skirts and oversized blazers.

Here she is then:

And here she is now, at a premiere for the second season of Veep.

Way to rock that pleather dress.

And ladies, watch Veep. It is the only show on TV right now that delivers pure laughter. AWESOME.

And here's another actress whose age bracket is squarely in the grandmother category: Jane Seymor. Oh and the baby she is holding? Her granddaughter.


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