Wednesday, April 30, 2014

When bad clothes happen to good people

Debra Messing lost quite a bit of weight yet managed to do so without looking gaunt in the face, and that is awesome. What is less high-five-worthy is her get-up at a New York Pops event:

The dress itself is mall-tacky. The shoes seem to be intent on proving, despite the length of the dress, that DMess has rather dubious legs. And then the topknot... I get it, it is an insta-facelift, but still. Mall-tacky.

Another lady of similar age but a much more jealously observed weight was also at said event - Sarah Jessica Parker, and this was even worse:

What is this? A not-so-sexy librarian with a gypsy past? Ergh. Her hair and face though look really good, as does her makeup.


  1. Why do you have to offend librarian?????!!!! :)


  2. I don't!!!! She is a wanna-be-sexy librarian who failed at truly sexy (which you, my friend, with the help of that brown shirt, do not fail at!)
